About 200 billion US Dollars is earned from coffee worldwide every year, about 8% of which is income of coffee farmers. The price of coffee is determined on the commodity exchange in New York and is heavily influenced by the coffee giants who shop around and buy their beans for the lowest price possible, working through big trade houses and middlemen.
A handful of coffee giants determine the price of coffee as well as the quality and taste. Coffee giants win and everyone else loses: the coffee farmer, the planet and coffee lovers. In other words: Bad Coffee. Let's explain.
12.5 million coffee farmers worldwide sell their coffee mostly to local middle men and representatives of big trade houses. They have hardly any market information and no control over the price. Over 80% of these farmers own on average less than 5 hectares of farmland, making it very difficult for them to make ends meet. Their struggles unfold against a backdrop of increasing climate change effects and ecological degradation in all coffee producing countries
Bad coffee in different ways. The coffee giants make hardly any distinction between the coffee beans they source from around the world. High quality or low quality beans, ripe or unripe beans: it is all lumped together and then roasted to pieces. That's a shame because coffee can be so exciting and diverse. Instead of burned, bitter and boring.
So, because coffee farmers barely earn enough to make a living, you can hardly expect them to put time, effort and money into taking care of nature. Neither can they put enough effort into bracing themselves for the effects of climate change. As a result, harvests fail, soils are depleted, forests disappear and animal and plant species become extinct.
Wakuli is derived from wakulima: farmers in Swahili. Because it all starts with the coffee farmers. They should be rewarded for the quality they deliver. So that they can make a good living from their coffee and make their business future-proof. Farmers should have access to market information and be able to invest in their business. In short our goal: independent, profitable and future-proof coffee farmers
We start where your coffee begins. Literally at the roots. Wakuli works together with partners to make coffee production a good thing. Contributing to soil & biodiversity improvement and combating carbon emissions and the effects of climate change. That’s what is called regenerative coffee.
We are fully committed to regenerative coffee production and we won't stop until all of our coffee is regenerative. And because time is of the essence we aim to have this done by 2028.
When all of this works out, you get to benefit as well! As we explained it all starts with the farmer who has by far the biggest influence on the quality of your cup. The “only” thing a roaster has to do with the coffee, is bring out all the potential flavors. And importantly, bring it to you fresh, ground and roasted for your brewing method. After that, it's up to you to brew it and to turn it into a truly great cup of coffee.
Direct Relationships
We don't shop around. It doesn’t matter if you love one of our blends, our pods or if you get a different Discover Monthly each month, all of these coffees are from long-standing partnerships.
Direct Relationships
We don't shop around. It doesn’t matter if you love one of our blends, our pods or if you get a different Discover Monthly each month, all of these coffees are from long-standing partnerships.
Only Top Quality
We are actively involved in quality improvement with all our sourcing partners. Because quality is the way out for farmers. And you get to drink amazing coffee!
Only Top Quality
We are actively involved in quality improvement with all our sourcing partners. Because quality is the way out for farmers. And you get to drink amazing coffee!
A Really Good Price
We pay farmers way above the commodity market price and better than other specialty coffee buyers. Year after year.
A Really Good Price
We pay farmers way above the commodity market price and better than other specialty coffee buyers. Year after year.
Futureproof coffee
We work together with partners to make coffee production futureproof. Improving soil & biodiversity and combating carbon emissions and the effects of climate change.
Futureproof coffee
We work together with partners to make coffee production futureproof. Improving soil & biodiversity and combating carbon emissions and the effects of climate change.